[Pc-listen] Ny opdatering til Jaws 2023 udgivet i dag

Brian hovmand Olesen brian at blindkom.dk
Tir Jun 20 23:38:10 CEST 2023


Der er netop i dag udkommet en opdatering til Jaws 2023 og den indeholder faktisk en række gode ting. F.eks. en ny autodetektering af punkt displays både USB og via Bluetooth samt væsentlig forbedring af stabiliteten i  Jaws Tandem, hvilket godt nok også var hårdt tiltrængt.

Der er en del flere gode ting under motorhjelmen, så denne sommeropdatering bliver folk nok ret glade for.

Her får du først en dansk maskinoversat fortegnelse over opdateringerne og under den finder du den originale engelske tekst.


Mvh. Brian

Forbedringer i JAWS 2023.2306.38 (juni 2023)

Følgende er en liste over forbedringer foretaget mellem april 2023-udgivelsen og juni 2023-opdateringen.

For at downloade den seneste udgivelse, besøg Download websiden.

Du skal være logget på som administrator for at installere denne software.


Meddelelsescentret er din hub for rettidige meddelelser fra Freedom Scientific for at hjælpe med at maksimere din oplevelse med JAWS, ZoomText og Fusion. Beskederne

dækker forskellige emner, herunder:

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• Produktspecifikke træningstip til at udforske nøglefunktioner.

• Oplysninger om nye funktioner og ændringer i opdateringer.

• Detaljer om kommende webinarer og yderligere træningsmuligheder.

• Notifikationer om nye FSCast podcast episoder.

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Meddelelsescentret er i øjeblikket tilgængeligt for engelsk og hollandsk. Understøttelse af yderligere sprog vil blive tilføjet i fremtidige opdateringer.

Som standard læses og vises en meddelelse, når nye beskeder er tilgængelige. Dette er en standard Windows-baggrundsmeddelelse, der ligner dem

modtaget fra andre apps såsom Outlook. For at få adgang til dine beskeder skal du gøre et af følgende:

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• Vælg Beskedcenter fra Hjælp-menuen i JAWS, eller hovedapplikationsmenuen i ZoomText eller Fusion. Dette menupunkt inkluderer også antallet af ulæste


• Brug det lagdelte tastetryk, INSERT+MELLEMRUM, efterfulgt af SHIFT+M i JAWS eller Fusion.

• Brug Voice Assistant. For eksempel "Hej Sharky, åbn beskedcenter."

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Når beskedcenter åbnes, placeres du på listen over beskeder. Ved at trykke på ENTER på den aktuelt valgte besked vises yderligere detaljer, som f.eks

Udgivelsesnoter for en opdatering, trinvise instruktioner til et træningstip eller en oversigt over en FSCast-episode. Hvis meddelelsen indeholder links til eksterne

indhold, åbner et tryk på ENTER ressourcen i den relevante app på din computer. For eksempel åbner links til websider i din standardwebbrowser.

Meddelelsescentret tilbyder også følgende muligheder:

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• Filtrer listen ved at indtaste en kategori som "podcast" i søgeredigeringsboksen for kun at vise specifikke beskeder.

• Brug dialogboksen Indstillinger til at vælge, om du får besked, når der kommer nye beskeder. Du kan også konfigurere, hvilke typer beskeder du modtager.

For eksempel vil du måske kun modtage meddelelser om kommende træningsmuligheder og softwareopdateringer.

• Slet beskeder, du ikke længere har brug for.

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Forbedret automatisk registrering af punktdisplay

Det er nu nemmere end nogensinde at forbinde et punktdisplay til JAWS med den nye automatiske registreringsfunktion. JAWS konfigurerer nu automatisk de fleste punktdisplays

ved opstart, uanset om du bruger USB eller Bluetooth. Du behøver ikke længere manuelt at tilføje din Punkt-skærm ved at bruge Synthesizer og Punkt Manager, hvilket gør

opsætning nemmere og hurtigere.

For punktdisplays tilsluttet via USB eller Bluetooth, registrerer JAWS automatisk og begynder at bruge displayet ved opstart. Hvis JAWS kører i øjeblikket,

Punkt-displays registreres også, når de er tilsluttet via USB eller Bluetooth. Men for at JAWS kan registrere Bluetooth-displays, mens de kører, vil Auto

registrering af punktdisplay ved hjælp af Bluetooth skal være aktiveret i Indstillingscenter.

Bemærk: Selvom automatisk registrering via USB er meget hurtig, kan tilslutning via Bluetooth tage op til cirka 10 sekunder.

Mens JAWS registrerer de fleste punktdisplays automatisk, er visse displays muligvis endnu ikke kompatible med denne funktion. Vi arbejder med producenter

for at understøtte så mange displays som muligt.

Aria og web

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• Løste et problem, hvor JAWS ikke læste knapperne på siden til at dele en YouTube-video.

• Løste et problem, hvor det ikke var muligt manuelt at slå formulartilstand fra, når der var fokus på bestemte menupunkter.

• Løste problemer ved brug af tabellæsekommandoer (ALT+CTRL+PILE) i tabeller, der indeholder en colspan-attribut.

• Hvis fokus flyttes til en værktøjslinje i en webapp, løste et problem, hvor JAWS ville begynde at læse hele siden.

• Løste et problem, hvor JAWS nogle gange annoncerede uvedkommende information, når man navigerede til knapper på nogle websider.

• Løste et problem, hvor JAWS var for omfattende, når man fik adgang til menuer i nogle webapps som Azure DevOps.

• Løste et problem med at navigere i alternativknapgrupper, der bruger attributten aria-activedescendant.

• Løste problemer med at navigere i aria-gitter med den virtuelle markør slukket. Dette inkluderer læsning af den aktuelle række og kolonneposition samt overskriftsrækken

blive ignoreret.

• Løste et problem, hvor JAWS forkert indikerede knapper, der åbner dialoger som menuknapper.

• Løste et problem med visse farvevælger-inputbokse, der ikke fungerede som forventet med JAWS.

• Når du navigerede i en tabel eller et gitter som f.eks. Gmail-indbakken, løste man et problem, hvor kun teksten "række" blev vist i punkt, hvis statuscellerne

var deaktiveret.

• I Gmail siger JAWS ikke længere "gitter med 0 kolonner og 0 rækker."

• Når man navigerede i en gruppe radioknapper, løste man et problem, hvor JAWS ikke altid var


Enhancements in JAWS 2023.2306.38 (June 2023)

The following is a list of improvements made between the April 2023 release and the June 2023 update.

To download the latest release, visit the 

Downloads web page.

You must be logged on as an administrator to install this software. 

Message Center

The Message Center is your hub for timely announcements from Freedom Scientific to help maximize your experience with JAWS, ZoomText, and Fusion. The messages

cover various topics, including: 

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• Product-specific training tips to explore key features.

• Information about new features and changes in updates.

• Details about upcoming webinars and additional training opportunities.

• Notifications about new FSCast podcast episodes.

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The Message Center is currently available for English and Dutch. Support for additional languages will be added in future updates.

By default, a notification is spoken and displayed when new messages are available. This is a standard Windows background notification, similar to those

received from other apps such as Outlook. To access your messages, do one of the following:

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• Choose Message Center from the Help menu in JAWS, or the main application menu in ZoomText or Fusion. This menu item also includes the number of unread


• Use the layered keystroke, INSERT+SPACEBAR, followed by SHIFT+M in JAWS or Fusion.

• Use the Voice Assistant. For example, "Hey Sharky, open message center."

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When Message Center opens, you are placed in the list of messages. Pressing ENTER on the currently selected message displays additional details, such as

release notes for an update, step-by-step instructions for a training tip, or an overview of an FSCast episode. If the message includes links to external

content, pressing ENTER opens the resource in the appropriate app on your computer. For instance, links to web pages open in your default web browser.

The Message Center also offers the following options:

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• Filter the list by entering a category like “podcast” into the Search edit box to only show specific messages.

• Use the Settings dialog box to choose whether or not you are notified when new messages arrive. You can also configure what types of messages you receive.

For example, you may only want to receive announcements about upcoming training opportunities and software updates.

• Delete messages you no longer need.

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Improved Punkt Display Auto Detection

Connecting a punkt display to JAWS is now easier than ever with the new auto detection feature. JAWS now automatically configures most punkt displays

at startup, whether you use USB or Bluetooth. You no longer have to manually add your Punkt display using the Synthesizer and Punkt Manager, making

setup easier and faster.

For punkt displays connected over USB or Bluetooth, JAWS automatically detects and begins using the display at startup. If JAWS is currently running,

punkt displays are also detected when connected over USB or Bluetooth. However, in order for JAWS to detect Bluetooth displays while running, the Auto

detect punkt display using Bluetooth option must be enabled in Settings Center.

Note: While auto detection over USB is very quick, connecting over Bluetooth can take up to approximately 10 seconds.

While JAWS detects most punkt displays automatically, certain displays may not yet be compatible with this feature. We are working with manufacturers

to support as many displays as possible.

Aria and Web

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• Resolved an issue where JAWS was not reading the buttons on the page for sharing a YouTube video.

• Resolved an issue where it was not possible to manually turn off Forms Mode when focused on certain menu items.

• Addressed issues using table reading commands (ALT+CTRL+ARROWS) in tables that include a colspan attribute.

• If focus moves to a toolbar in a web app, resolved an issue where JAWS would begin reading the entire page.

• Resolved an issue where JAWS was sometimes announcing extraneous information when navigating to buttons on some web pages.

• Addressed an issue where JAWS was too verbose when accessing menus in some web apps like Azure DevOps.

• Addressed an issue with navigating radio button groups that use the aria-activedescendant attribute.

• Resolved issues navigating aria grids with the Virtual Cursor off. This includes reading the current row and column position as well as the header row

being ignored.

• Resolved an issue where JAWS was incorrectly indicating buttons that open dialogs as menu buttons.

• Addressed an issue with certain color picker input boxes not working as expected with JAWS.

• When navigating a table or grid such as the Gmail Inbox, addressed an issue where only the text "row" was being shown in punkt if the status cells

were disabled.

• In Gmail, JAWS no longer says "grid with 0 columns and 0 rows."

• When navigating a group of radio buttons, addressed an issue where JAWS was not always announcing the current radio button when moving to it with TAB.

• Addressed issues with sluggishness on some pages in Firefox.

• Resolved an issue where JAWS was not reading placeholder text in an HTML text area.

• In the Google Chrome Address Bar, JAWS now alerts you when an address becomes unselected.

• Addressed issues with JAWS not reading in context menus for links in Google Chrome.

• Resolved an issue where JAWS was not announcing the selected item when navigating tree views on some web pages.

• Added keyboard help for the ALT+INSERT+D keystroke which moves to the details of an element that says "has details." This command is now also listed

in Command Search (INSERT+SPACEBAR, J).

• Resolved an issue where JAWS was not working as expected in tables that include a row of check boxes, which when checked, also allow you to edit the

contents of the current cell.

• In Google Docs, resolved an issue where JAWS notification of a comment was off by one character.

• In Google Sheets, JAWS now indicates in punkt if the current cell contains a comment or formula.

• When editing a cell in Google Sheets using Microsoft Edge, resolved an issue where JAWS repeated the first character in the cell as you navigated.

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Office Apps

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• Resolved an issue in Outlook where JAWS was too verbose when switching to the Calendar in Day View. JAWS now also speaks the correct number of appointments

for the current day.

• Resolved an issue where JAWS was not reading the reminder column in the Outlook Calendar.

• Resolved an issue in PowerPoint where JAWS would continuously repeat image information when a punkt display was connected.

• Addressed an issue where JAWS and Fusion Mouse Echo was not reading sheet names or column and row headers in Excel.

• Improved JAWS performance with creating formulas in Excel.

• When entering a formula in Excel, addressed an issue where the currently selected function in the list of functions continued to be shown in punkt,

even after pressing TAB to start adding parameters to your chosen function.

• Resolved an issue with JAWS not reading text entered into a document in LibreOffice Writer.

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JAWS Application Fixes

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• The Liblouis punkt translator used by JAWS and Fusion has been updated to version 3.25.

• Tandem now offers increased stability with fewer dropped connections and hangs.

• Unified keyboard processing is now turned on by default. This is a new method of processing keystrokes that aims to bring consistency across all three

products. Turning off the Use unified keyboard processing method option in Settings Center switches to the legacy method for processing keystrokes. The

following improvements are only available when this option is enabled:

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◦ Added support for multimedia keys found on some keyboards. This includes more speech feedback when pressing these extra keys as well as the ability to

assign scripts to multimedia keys.

◦ Added Support to toggle F-Lock State for Microsoft Surface Keyboards.

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• When reading with Say All and the volume buttons are pressed on a multimedia keyboard, addressed an issue where the volume was not adjusted as expected.

• Added the latest punkt display drivers from HelpTech.

• When opening the Speech History (INSERT+SPACEBAR, H), the visual focus is now correctly positioned on the most recent message at the bottom of the window,

along with the Virtual Cursor.

• If the Insert Key Mode option is enabled in Settings Center, resolved an issue where commands that include the INSERT key were not working.

• Addressed an issue where the ALT+CAPS LOCK keystroke was not toggling the state of caps lock as expected.

• Resolved an issue with the Profivox speech synthesizer where text received after a long pause was not spoken.

• Addressed an issue with JAWS not always announcing the name of some multi-column list views.

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Other Fixes

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• In iTunes, you can now use ALT+CTRL+RIGHT ARROW to fast forward, ALT+CTRL+LEFT ARROW to rewind, or ALT+CTRL+DOWN ARROW to mute the current track as long

as focus is not in a table.

• Improved JAWS performance with Microsoft Loop when run in Windowless mode, including editing in Outlook.

• Addressed issues setting up iCloud while JAWS was running.

• Resolved an issue using JAWS with the Windows Weather app.

• Resolved issues navigating the Zoom Audio Settings menu.

• Addressed an issue where JAWS sometimes reported a menu was active when it wasn't.

• If Dropbox is installed in Windows 11, addressed an issue where first letter navigation was not moving to the app in the Select a System Tray Icon dialog

box (INSERT+F11).


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